thankthatstar wrote in
Aug 04, 2009 23:20
holy shizz tay: your face,
taylor: is jacob black bitch,
does my being half naked bother you,
face: determined,
action: who's afraid of the big bad wolf,
action: get it taylorrr,
yr gonna get so wet!,
holy shizz tay: your pecs,
holy shizz tay: your neck,
hilary: is going to love this,
hair: i love it,
action: staring intensely,
action: dazzling kstew,
people: kristen stewart,
total taycob love,
so addicted to: you,
face: your fucking jaw omg,
face: i'm jacob black bitch,
face: game face,
clothes: no shirt omgomgomg,
action: holding his bella,
celebrate good times: come on,
holy shizz tay: your arms,
justine's heart just stopped,
things we ♥: jakenbells,
things we ♥: his face,
face: profile perfection ♥,
blakeleigh: will freak out with squees,
face: young love expressions,
clothes: a la jacob black,
hair: rain drenched,
holy shizz tay: your shoulders,
era: new moon,
action: interacting with others,
oh taylor we're drooling right now,
action: sending us to jail,
this is what we live for,
face: why so srs?,
face: intense,
action: protecting